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Seasons Unceasing Submission Deadline
- Fantasy/science fiction stories, following the theme of “seasons.” (Seasons, weather, cyclical nature, ending, returning, regularity interrupted, growing things, dying things, planet sized impact, local microsystems, – Stories featuring the classic four seasons, or an entirely new season you’ve created for your world)
- Deadline: May 31st, 2022 by 11:59 PM EST.
- 2000 words minimum to 8,000 words max.
- Payment: $0.005/word (up to $40USD)
- Rights: Non-exclusive, reprint for a year
- Reprint and Simultaneous Submissions Accepted: Yes
- Submissions are open to anywhere in the world, as long as stories are written in the English language.
- All submissions must be in standard manuscript format (size 12, Times New Roman font, single spaced, indented paragraphs).
- All stories should be submitted via Forms through this link:
See for further information