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Call for Submissions – Dark Fantasy Short Stories

Worldsmyths is now open to short story submissions for Dark Fantasy stories between 2k and 15k words. Dark Fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy that features horror elements, disturbing or frightening themes.

What we don’t want: We want darkness without tipping into despair, darkness without going into grimdark. Stories don’t have to have a happy ending for this submission. We also don’t want religious texts or essays. Stories below or over wordcount will be deleted unread. No AI generated or assisted stories.

Submission Period: Now until July 31st at 11:59pm
Length: 2000-15,000 words
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Pay: $25USD
Rights: Exclusive right for a year, reprints after
Reprints Accepted: No
Simultaneous Submissions: No
Who Can Submit: Anyone
Where to Submit: https://forms.gle/aa2vwf5MnkxhLnT99(edited)